I am using a SkyWatcher 150PL with EQ5 mount and SynScan controller with SkySafari 6 Plus & SkyFi III.
After carrying out the two star alignment, pointing the scope at a star then using the synscan handset to centering it in the eyepiece,
I then selected the star or planet in Skysafari and selected align, but found this only worked once with the moon. Since then on other
nights following the same procedure, this message pops up "Your alignment target is too far from the telescope‘s actual position.
Please make sure you selected the right alignment target." I have polar aligned first, but after finishing two star alignment, when slewing
to a star or planet, it always need adjusting to center it in the eyepiece which results in the bullseye moving off the target.
Is there a way to fix this please in SkySafari ?
I carried out a simulation in the daytime and screenshot the two pics below to show the problem with the bullseye off target
Thanks in advance