I purchased my Skyfi Feb 2012 from Southern Stars. I recently decided to upgrade the firmware from version 2.2 to the latest 2.3.3. I am unable to find the original USB Dongle. So instead I made one using the pinout from the documentation as follows Pin5 DB-9 to RJ11 Pin4, Pin3 DB-9 to Pin2 RJ11 and Pin2 DB-9 to Pin5 RJ11. When I run the updater it almost completes the process but stops with the green bar 1/8 of an inch of completion with the following message ... "SkyFi Updater failed to detect SkyFi. Make sure you connected it with a null-modem adapter to the serial port you specified." I have tried with higher baud rates and the slowest but still won't complete. Do I have the correct pinout? Do I need the correct USB Dongle? Do you sell replacements? Any ideas short of sending it in to get the update installed?
Thanks Tim Bihuniak