Hi, I have juste bought a SkyBT module to be able to see on safari pro 5 the position of my dobson scope (on my android smatphone) .
My Dobson is connected to a skycommander XP4, i don't succed to establish a link between safari and the skycommander, i always have a message scope not responding or something like this.
I'm not sure to do the right thing, first i switch on the skycommander, when i finish the initialisation mode (2 stars method), i connect the RS232 cable into the SC (the serial cable provided with my skycommander to be set with a pc), i connect him between the skycommander and the skyBT then i switch on the skyBT (green light) but when i want to establish the link, i always have the message "scope not responding"...
Safari settings seems to be right (push to, alt AZ, choice telescope is skycommander), i don't no what to do, perhaps the serial cable is defective?
My phone see the SkyBT module and can appaired with it...