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Electrodragon BC04 Bluetooth To Serial Connection Fail

I picked up one of these to use with my Intelliscope 10" I was wondering if anyone had any tips to get this to work. I keep getting the message about it being able to connect but not getting any response from the telescope. I turned the encoder settings off Get Automatically and to the settings someone else here had mentioned. I'm using the Orion serial adapter and it's plugged into the COL but I can't seem to get it to connect.


  • 0
    Bill Tschumy

    You will probably have to configure the serial settings manually

    • baud rate
    • parity
    • stop bits

    We do this automatically with SkyBT, but that likely will not work with you device.

  • 0
    Chris Pohlad-Thomas

    So I am thinking it may have something to do with it being extra chatty as referenced here:

    The only issue I face now is that I do not have a gender changer handed to serial into the adapter to change the settings.

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