I want to print an observing list. I can't find info anywhere on SS6pro, nor can I find any way to contact support. This page is no help
Bill Tschumy We don't support printing an observing list from the apps. However, you can go to livesky.com and export your observing list as a .csv file. You can then print that from a spreadsheet application.
Genelew1 Genelew1
Oct 2, 13:54 EDT
I opened SS on my ipad and went to Livesky, clicked on download of Open Clusters List, selected .csv and emailed the list to myself. The skylist appeared in the email as Unknown.skylist, grayed out, and if I try to open it, it opens SS and places it there. No way to put it in a spreadsheet. What am I doing wrong?
Gene -
Bill Tschumy You need to download it as a .csv file, not .skylist. I was assuming you'd open this on a desktop computer for printing. I don't know much about printing from mobile spreadsheet apps.
Genelew1 For some reason, when I first tried to download the .csv, it didn't go, so I tried to email the .csv as noted above. But the email showed skylist, not csv. I just tried again to download the .csv directly and this time it worked.
Thanks for your attention.
Bill Tschumy Great.
Eben Johnson When I open the LiveSky csv I see, unless I and other users who have posted similarly missed it, that we are now limited to five columns. It used to be that we could easily export SN observations to MS Excel, or similar, with our own choice of fields to include. What's going on and why? Now using SN 8 Pro. Thanks.