Not a bug but it would be a really nice touch if version 8 could simulate the mutual occultations and eclipses of Jupiter's 4 largest moons. The next time this occurs is Feb 2021.
Not a bug but it would be a really nice touch if version 8 could simulate the mutual occultations and eclipses of Jupiter's 4 largest moons. The next time this occurs is Feb 2021.
Thank for the idea Jerry!
Indeed would be great to have rare events like this added to Favorites-->Solar System-->Eclipses
you might also consider adding the 2032 Dec 30 Jupiter Triple Shadow event:
Eclipses among Jupiter's moons is supported in sister product Starry Night Pro 8.
I just downloaded starry night pro 8 and tried an eclipse of Europia and seen nothing.
Yours looks different than mine. Are you on an apple or windows computer?
On a Mac and I’m one Eastern Standard Time so the times that can be read in the gif are 8:27 - 8:34 AM EST. Exactly an hour later 9:29:00 AM EST I’ve got Europa occulting Io. I was surprised that the shadow showed.
Do you have the date and times correct (I shrunk the images down to 50% so they might be hard to see. Check March 5, 2021 at 14:29:00 UT and see if you have Europa on top of Io, if not then something is off (date, time, time zone), if it is then set the time back exactly one hour to 13:29:00 UT and check for the shadow. If it is not showing, then maybe there is a preference that needs to be set to show moon shadows—I don’t remember doing anything special though.
Good morning Andy. I have a windows computer and it is definitely not supported on the windows platform. I checked a couple of predictions and it showed no shadow. I don't know if Keiron monitors any of these communications but I would like an answer on this.
Options > Solar System > Planets-Moons
Make sure you have enabled the following options.
You can save an SNF file of the specific simulation, and share it via a DropBox link. That will ensure all your settings are included with the simulation - which Andy can then open and see.
Here is my version of the settings—almost exactly the same as above. When I turned off "Umbra cone" and "Penumbra cone" I expected the shadow to go away, but it didn't.
I stopped using DropBox when they limited the free version to 3 devices, but here is a link on my iCloud drive (a zipped snf):
This screen shot should show Europa being completely eclipsed by Ganymede for this time and date. As you can see its not.
Here are my settings.
Did you open Andy's SNF file?
Here is what I get (Europa is barely visible).
yes I opened his file and no eclipse.
This is what I get when I open his file.
Is it possible that mutual eclipses will not work on a windows computer?
Is there anyone else using a windows computer that have the same results as me?
I found the setting on my Mac that turns this on/off. Preferences -> Shaders -> Advanced Planet Rendering (Not compatible with all hardware).
Thanks Andy, that was the problem. It works now. Thanks for your help.
You're welcome. It is frustrating trying to find all of the settings to play with (and it must not be the case that they all go into the saved SNF).