I posted a message to the SkySafari Feature Requests area (https://support.simulationcurriculum.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360023528994-3D-display) but it doesn't show up in the topic list nor has it appeared on the mailing list.
I posted a message to the SkySafari Feature Requests area (https://support.simulationcurriculum.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360023528994-3D-display) but it doesn't show up in the topic list nor has it appeared on the mailing list.
And it looks like this one doesn't, too!
Hi Mario,
Sometimes, posts get held up in the spam filter, and have to be confirmed by admins first. Unfortunately, we get massive spam in the forums when we relax controls.
So, just be patient. Eventually we will clear your post/reply.