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Bad date in "B Cassiopeiae" description

It appears that the the date of the B Cassiopeiae supernova is bad in macOS and also iOS.  I don't know if there are other instances of this problem in other descriptions or not.

===== With YYYY/MM/DD formatting:

B Cassiopeiae

B Cassiopeiae is a 19th magnitude Variable Star appearing in the constellation Cassiopeia.

This type SNI: supernova reached magnitude -4.5 on Fri 5874656/12/-2147483648 AD


===== With Mmm DD, YYYY formatting:

B Cassiopeiae

B Cassiopeiae is a 19th magnitude Variable Star appearing in the constellation Cassiopeia.

This type SNI: supernova reached magnitude -4.5 on Fri Dec -2147483648, 5874656 AD

1 comment

  • 0
    Bill Tschumy

    This looks like a bug in the code that generates an "automatic" description.  We will try to get this fixed in the next update.  Thanks for reporting it.


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