I performed a Star Sense auto alignment using the hand control and everything worked great. I was able to calibrate on Sirius and then performed another alignment and after that, everything was spot one in the eyepiece.
Then I tried using Sky Safari 6 Pro and that was another story. I would rarely make it to the calibrate option because I would get the message ‘Alignment pointing error is too large please try another Alignment’. When I did make it to the calibrate option and picked a Star to center on and then did another alignment, I would get the same error message. What the heck is going here? I even went as far as un-installing Sky Safari Pro and re-installing to no avail. It seems like a bug in Sky Safari Pro since when I use the hand control with Star Sense, it works the first time.
I used to Sky Safari Plus and don't remember these kind of issues. I should also mention that the temperature was about 5 below (F).