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How To Connect A Bolutec Bluetooth Serial Adapter + ETX90 Meade + Nexus 7 Tablet?

I am using a Bolutec Bluetooth seral adapter and trying to connect to a ETX90 Meade scope ith audiostar controller.

The blue light comes on steady for a few seconds then drops out. I get the boing sound then the error message says  can connect to scope , but scope not responding.

I have done the alignment on scope and set all the correct options on Bluetooth adapter with AT commands. The Bolutec is paired with my nexus 7 tablet.

I also tried to reverse RX and TX. Others are using the Bolutec  with Sky Safari. Here is a link to you tube demo

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    Bill Tschumy

    I'm sorry, but we can't really provide support for bluetooth adapters other than our SkyBT.  It can just take way too much time to ferret out where the problem is.

    Are you sure you are using a Meade serial cable?  A generic cable is unlikely to work.

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