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How To Configure SkySafari And Prima Luce Labs Eagle Core? (Answer: Read The Community Solution, And If Required Contact Prima Luce Labs For Support, We Do Not Officially Support This Setup)

I currently have SkySafari 5 plus installed on an iPAD pro that I use in conjunction with a SkyFi III wireless access point to control a Celestron AVX mount.  I recently purchased an Eagle Core wireless computer/access point from Prima Luce Labs that I would like to use to replace the SkyFi III unit because it contains built in guiding software and DSLR camera control.  It can be controlled by my iPAD and is also supposed to work with the SkySafari App to control the scope mount.

The instructions in the Eagle Core manual for connecting SkySafari to the Eagle Core unit are as follows:

1)  Use iPAD wifi settings to connect to the Eagle Core network.  (This works fine)

2)  In the SkySafari Settings Page:

     a)  Set "AutoDetect SkiFi" to "Off"

     b)  Set "IP Address" to ""  (This is the same address used to connect the iPAD to the Eagle Core)

     c)  Set "Port Number" to "4040"

When I do all this and tell SkySafari to connect to the scope, the connection fails and gives me an error message stating that the network name or IP address may not be correct.

My question is this:  Does anyone know of any other SkySafari settings that might need to be changed to get the wireless scope connection to work?

I have also emailed Prima Luce Labs support about the problem but have not yet received any helpful information.  I was hoping someone on this forum might be able to shed some light on this.


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    John Fisanotti


    I can't say I know much about Information Technology issues but I note the port number you listed is only one digit away from the port number I use to connect to my SkyFi unit.  I use port number 4030, perhaps you could try this number and see if it works.

    John Fisanotti

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    James Moldenhauer

    Thanks John.  I thought the same thing and had already tried it but to no avail.  I think the port number just defines the serial port used to connect from the Eagle Core to the scope mount, not the connection from SkySafari to the Eagle Core.  The iPAD appears to be properly connected to the Eagle Core wifi network because I can use it to open the guiding and camera control App installed on the Eagle Core.  However, for some unknown reason the SkySafari App iinstalled on the iPAD is telling me it can't establish communication with the Eagle Core unit even though the iPAD itself is able to communicate with it.

    Jim Moldenhauer  

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    James Moldenhauer

    Update on using SkySafari with Prima Luce Labs Eagle Core:

    I still haven't got any technical Support from Prima Luce Labs so I started to do some experimentation on my own.  I discovered that SkySafari would connect wirelessly to the AVX mount through my Eagle Core device, but only if the mount was powered up after powering up the Eagle Core.  This is contrary to the instructions in the Eagle Core manual which say to power up the mount first.  While this is no big deal when initially starting up the system it makes things more difficult if the wifi connection is lost and needs to be reactivated. The Eagle Core guiding and image acquisition apps will continue to work without a wifi connection but once the SkySafari connection to the mount is lost it cannot be regained without shutting everything down and starting over.  When the mount is powered back on a new Goto alignment has to be performed.  This is very inconvenient.

    I don't understand why SkySafari can't connect to the mount through the Eagle Core network at any time the network is functioning unless for some reason the Eagle Core USB/Serial port connection to the Mount hand control is not functioning properly.  I am no computer expert, but it seems like it only works when the Eagle Core gets a signal that the mount is being powered on rather than one that says the mount is already in a powered state.  Is it possible that there is something wrong with the USB/Serial cable connection that could result in this behavior?  I don't know if this problem only occurs with my particular Eagle Core setup or if it is applies to other units as well.  I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced this problem or if there are any computer experts out there who might be able to shed some light on what is going on.  

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    Bill Tschumy


    Not exactly sure what is going on.  I was going to suggest the problem might be a baud rate issue.  This is the speed at which SkyFi (or the Eagle Core device) communicates with the mount over a serial connection.  When SkySafari connects to SkyFi we automatically program it to use the correct baud rate for whatever mount you are connecting too.  We probably can't do this with the Prima Luce.

    However, if it is working if you power the Eagle Core up first, then then might not be the issue.

    I'm afraid we don't have any experience with this device.  You will probably have to wait for support from Prima Luce.  They are the ones that say it should work with SkySafari.

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    James Moldenhauer


    Thanks for your input.  I have been trying to get help from Prima Luce for about a week but I don't get any response to my emails.  I also tried using a newer celestron hand control with the usb connector and couldn't get SkySafari to connect at all.  It looks like the hand control gets powered up by the USB connection as soon as you turn on the Eagle core so I it acts like the mount is already turned on even though I haven't powered up the mount itself.  

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    Fabio Romanelli

    James, I have an eaglecore unit and I finded a Prima Luce Lab support into the video section support:

    I think yuo need the EAGLE CORE 2.5 firmware with mount control.

    The following text was taken from the video (

    "EAGLE CORE now allows you to control also the computerized mounts with SkySafari! Connect the hand-pad of your computerized mount to one of the USB ports of the EAGLE CORE and use SkySafari PLUS or PRO (sold separately) to control it from your device connected to the EAGLE CORE WiFi"

    I hope I was helpful.

    Fabio Romanelli

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