I currently have SkySafari 5 plus installed on an iPAD pro that I use in conjunction with a SkyFi III wireless access point to control a Celestron AVX mount. I recently purchased an Eagle Core wireless computer/access point from Prima Luce Labs that I would like to use to replace the SkyFi III unit because it contains built in guiding software and DSLR camera control. It can be controlled by my iPAD and is also supposed to work with the SkySafari App to control the scope mount.
The instructions in the Eagle Core manual for connecting SkySafari to the Eagle Core unit are as follows:
1) Use iPAD wifi settings to connect to the Eagle Core network. (This works fine)
2) In the SkySafari Settings Page:
a) Set "AutoDetect SkiFi" to "Off"
b) Set "IP Address" to "" (This is the same address used to connect the iPAD to the Eagle Core)
c) Set "Port Number" to "4040"
When I do all this and tell SkySafari to connect to the scope, the connection fails and gives me an error message stating that the network name or IP address may not be correct.
My question is this: Does anyone know of any other SkySafari settings that might need to be changed to get the wireless scope connection to work?
I have also emailed Prima Luce Labs support about the problem but have not yet received any helpful information. I was hoping someone on this forum might be able to shed some light on this.