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[Bug]* SkySafari 6 Pro on Android + Celestron StarSense Plate Solve Fail

I have a Celestron Evolution mount and a StarSense camera.  When done with the Celestron hand controller StarSense Auto Align works fine.  When initialted via the SkySafari connection it consistently fails with a plate solve error. SkySafari connects well via the wifi and I am able to change things on the mount (like the logo brightness) via SkySafari and see all the evolution menu options in SkySafari, just cant do the auto align. I see the same plate solve error if I am only using the Celestron hand controller and enter the wrong time and/or location, so I kind of think SkySafari may be passing the wrong time/date/location to the Celestron gear, but both time and location look fine in the Sky Safari UI.  Any ideas?

Versions of things: Hand Controller: 3.2.5190, Evo mount 7.15.9120, star sense 1.2.13343, Android Sky Safari, Android: 9.


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Tapper Lee

    Some additional data.  Celestron suggested I try the auto align with the hand control disconnected.  I did, and auto align now works when using SkyPortal.  Sky Safari Pro 6 for android is still broken with the plate solve problem described earlier.  Sigh.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Tapper,

    Please save and send a telescope log file.

    Settings > Scope Setup > Save Log File

    Save Log File - If turned on, SkySafari saves a log of its communication with the telescope on your mobile device. SkySafari creates a new log file every time you connect to the telescope. The log file records every command that SkySafari sends to the telescope, and every response from the telescope. The log file name contains the date and time you began the telescope session, for example:


    This log file can be emailed to for troubleshooting telescope communication problems. You can transfer the telescope communication log from your Android device using SD file card transfer.

    • Android users - the scope communication log is written to a folder named "SkySafari Plus" or "SkySafari Pro" at the top level of your SD card. Copy this file to your computer with a USB cable, or simply email it to yourself.

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    Keiron Smith


    Celestron is fully involved with us at this time working towards a solution.  We will release a fix as soon as possible.

    Thanks for your patience at this time.

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