I have a Celestron Evolution mount and a StarSense camera. When done with the Celestron hand controller StarSense Auto Align works fine. When initialted via the SkySafari connection it consistently fails with a plate solve error. SkySafari connects well via the wifi and I am able to change things on the mount (like the logo brightness) via SkySafari and see all the evolution menu options in SkySafari, just cant do the auto align. I see the same plate solve error if I am only using the Celestron hand controller and enter the wrong time and/or location, so I kind of think SkySafari may be passing the wrong time/date/location to the Celestron gear, but both time and location look fine in the Sky Safari UI. Any ideas?
Versions of things: Hand Controller: 3.2.5190, Evo mount 7.15.9120, star sense 1.2.13343, Android Sky Safari, Android: 9.