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Can SkySafari 6 Plus Track Object Drifts And Help Me To Adjust Motors Speed On A Simple Encoders Alt-AZ Push-To Dob?

I am using 10' dobson with simple encoders on AZ/ALT with SS6 Plus. Basically Alt-AZ Push-To system.

After alignment pushing to objects works great with SS6 Plus.

Now I installed DIY motors with slow gears and a speed controllers on each axis. I need to adjust speed manually but this works great and I can center an object.

I am adjusting motors speed by looking at drifting object in the eyepiece now but my question is;

Can you see drifts on SS6 Plus with crosshair or indication of some numbers to help me to adjust motors speed?

Thanks for your advise in advance.

1 comment

  • 0
    Bill VanOrden

    What are you using for the encoder interface?

    I am interested in going in this direction with a home brew 10 Dob

    Bill V  (aka Beevo)
    Tempe, AZ

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