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[Feature Request] FOV for off-axis built-in guide chip

Being an astrophotographer and having just upgraded from Starry Night Pro Plus 6 to Starry Nighty Pro Plus 8, I cannot understand why it is not possible to have FOVs for my CCD camera  built-in guide chip (STT-3200 SBIG CCD camera) any more. In Observe / Equipment / Cameras...
Trying to find a turnaround, I defined a pseudo-camera with is supposed to be actually the off-axis guide chip but despite non-zero sensor offset values (x-ofsset and y-offset), the FOV still is centered on the target instead of being offset (off-axis). I am terribly disappointed and feeling I have spoiled my money, since I have been using Starry Night, for years, essentially in order to find guide stars for galaxies and other deep sky objects before imaging them.
How is it possible that asuch a nice feature as the FOVs in Starry Night 6 have actually disappeared in Starry Night 8 ?


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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Stephane, 

    Can you please post a screenshot or two of what you are doing in SN6, along with the settings panels used to create the FOVs in questions?


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    Stéphane Dumont

    Thank you for your message.

    The first attached screenshot shows my list of FOVs in SN6 and, for the single FOV selected in this case, the corresponding graphical objects : the grand rectangle featuring the main CCD chip, the smaller rectangle featuring the built-in guide chip, and the two dotted lines which define the "ring" in which I have to look for a guide star (given the distance between the two chips). That is quite what a deep sky astrophotographer needs.

    The second screenshot shows the corresponding definition of that FOV, with a 18.2 mm offset for the built-in guide chip.

    Of course, I expect SN8 to offer no less than what SN6 provides. The same features would be quite acceptable.

    SN8 has a nice and pleasant interface and probably many advantages over SN6. However, in SN8, the FOVs do not work properly.

    First of all, in SN8, my main CCD chip is rotated despite I defined a 0 degree angle and I am in the Equatorial orientation mode (see the third screenshot) : am I missing a preference parameter somewhere ?

    Moreover, the 18.2 mm offset defined for the built-in guide chip (see the fourth screenshot) is just ignored by SN8, since, despite the selection of the guide chip for the FOV indicator (see screenshot #5), the built-in guide chip is drawn without any offset (see screenshot #6).

    Thank you for your help.

    Aix-en-Provence (France)

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    Michele Franci

    news of this problem? Ihave the same problem with my st8xme + 237 chip guide.

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