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Coordinates based on wrong epoch send to Telescope mount from Starry Night 8 Pro


I noticed last night that the coordinates send from Starry Night to my mount was based on JNow instead on J2000 which Im using as the basis for communicating coordinates between all  my astro software. This throw my pointing model off , as the synch points send from SN was JNow, but my pointing model assumes J2000.  The coodinates displayed in the SN Telescope Control Panel showed JNow values which was also the values received by my mount control software (eqmod). I have "Use Epoch J2000" turned on in the Celestial Guide Options.

Im on Starry Night 8 Pro v, which I believe is the latest version (although I have not received any updates for a very long time).

Is there a way to ensure that the celestial coordinates that SN communicates are based on J2000?






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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Anders, 

    If you have the J2000 option selected but the result is still JNow, then this may be a bug.  I can ask developers to review.  But, I can not say when an update with a fix will be released.

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    Keiron Smith

    How do you know the coodinates displayed in the SN Telescope Control Panel showed JNow values?  How are you making this determination?  Can you attach a screenshot that shows this?

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    Hi Keiron.

    Thanks for responding. The "Position in Sky"-section of the Object Info for the selected object, provides both JNow and J2000 RA and Dec coordinates.

    The JNow coordinates were the ones that was displayed in the SN Telescope Control Panel and also the coordinates that reached EQmod.

    I hope some sort of solution can be provided as my main purpose for using SN is telescope control. As of now I have to use Stellarium instead which is not ideal for me because I would like to access my Observing Lists.

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    Graeme Smith

    Any update on this?  There still appears no way to get Starry Night to use J2000 for telescope control. 

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