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SkySafari On iPadOS 13.3 Search For Object + Centre Crashes iPad If Object Below The Horizon (Answer: Non-Repeatable Crash)

When using SkySafari Pro on my iPad mini using iPadOS 13.3 I did a search and then centre to an object below the horizon and it crashed the whole iPad so I had to power on again. The 6..6 release for iOS/iPadOS seems to be a bit of a disaster.




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    Pedro Braganca Official comment

    We're looking into it.  There will be a 6.6.3 update in the next few days to address a few issues as a result of localizing our app into different languages.  Thank you for your patience!

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    Dave Whipps


    Is this repeatable? What object are you searching for? Does it happen for any object? The latest release includes a lot of changes for Localization (into other languages), but not a lot more. Are you running it in English?

    What else leads you to consider this entire release a "disaster?" Are there other problems you're seeing?

    - Dave



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    Hi Dave. This would have been under the English default localization. I was searching for NGC 2563 in Cancer which was below my horizon at the time. The horizon was set to be translucent. I have tried several times to reproduce this and so far I have not managed so it may have been simply a memory glitch. No other apps were running at the time and the system is a 64GB iPad Mini 4 with about half the space used. Well we still have the issues with angular measurement and other issues reported. It seems a shame as the iOS version used to be the most stable and I understand from other forums that the Android version appears to be the more stable now.

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    Also I guess the issue for me with where the program when launched had a blank screen so I thought it was not working and killed it also did not make me feel very confident with this release.. It is true that if I left it long enough it did start.

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    Dave Whipps


    Just to clarify, the only bug you're now seeing (and/or are able to reproduce) is the one with the missing string in the angular measurement? (This is already fixed btw, we'll push out a release, likely tomorrow.)

    Why do you have this impression that the iOS app is somehow less stable than Android? I understand you had a crash, but this is the only report we've had. If it truly was a kernel panic (ie, your entire iPad rebooted) it likely had nothing to do with SkySafari.

    Are you still seeing a blank screen on startup?

    - Dave


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    The blank screen issue went away when I installed but was consistent before that.. Yes the whole iPad crashed and I had to restart it from the power button. I must admit I have not been using SkySafari a lot over the last few weeks because of the impressions I have had with it and the lack of clear skies here. I will get back to running it a bit more to see if I can reproduce the issues I have been having.

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