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Why Are Recently Updated And Viewed Comets Disappearing From The Database In SkySafari 6 Plus On iOS? (Answer: Needs Path To Reproduction)

SkySafari Plus 6 for iOS

I have added comet C/2019 Y4 into the app by using Settings -> Solar System -> Update Minor Body Object Data.
The comet is displayed and is searchable.
Then when I open the app after it is closed and some time passes the comet is missing and I have to add it again.
What can I do so I don't have to add the comet each time I open the app?

You can see on the video that the comet is missing even though I have just recently updated the minor objects:


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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi PB, I can't seem to replicate this behavior.  I'll ask the team here to try it out and hopefully other forum members will pitch in with their reports.  Which version of iOS do you have?

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    It does not happen right away when I close the app. But after some time the comets are missing.

    The problem was also reported here: by Cnnman Wang.

    I have iOS 13.4.

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    Pedro Braganca

    Thanks for followup PB.  I'll keep checking the app to see if the comet disappears - do you know how long you have to wait usually?  I'll create a ticket for the dev team as well.

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    Several hours. I don't know what is the minimum time. maybe it's iOS cleaning some cache?

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    Pedro Braganca

    Not sure.  I'm told the minor planet data file is updated inside the app itself (as opposed to the documents folder - we should probably change that!) - so it might not be related.  First step is for me to find a way to replicate.  

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    I thought that maybe this is related to low storage space on my phone so I cleaned it up to make more room. It looks like the comets lasted longer.

    Honestly, I logged in to write that making more space seems to solve the issue. But right before posting I checked and the comets are no more. :(

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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi PB, on my phone the comet data continues to be available.  We'll keep trying and hopefully we'll get reports from other users so we can replicate the issue.  In the meantime, although not ideal i understand, you can continue to update the data manually.  I'll also send you a code to download a different version of SkySafari to see if that makes a difference - might be worth a try.

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    Cnnman Wang

    Hi Pedro,
    If you have different version, you can also give me try

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    I have them both installed and just updated coments on both of them.

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    I was checking the comet in both apps every day. They didn't disappear yet...

    But this problem with comet in app was a bad omen. C/2019 Y4 is disintegrating. :(

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    Pedro Braganca

    Glad the comet is not disappearing in the app - and sad to hear it's disappearing in real live :(

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    Cnnman Wang

    Can I get this temporary solution?

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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi Cnnman, I believe SS Plus 6 is working now. Thank you.  

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    Cnnman Wang

    Hi PB,

    Sorry late for feedback , actually I am still suffering the same issue. I use SS 6 pro maybe is not the same issue as SS 6 plus.
    Hope I could give you more information!

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    Antonio Capapé

    I am suffering this problem in SkySafari Pro 7 for IOS.

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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi, try to enable "Comets" under Settings-Solar System.  Comets are still searchable if its off but this will force them to appear.

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    Antonio Capapé

    Hi Pedro,

    The problem is that once you have updated the comets database, you can see them, search them and find them. But then, they dissapear from database, the comet is not longer there. You cannot search or show it in the skychart. I have not been able of finding a pattern to reproduce the issue, but this happens to me. I'm used now to download comets database once and again every time I want to plan my session, but it's really annoying.

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