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Lousy German translation of Apollo 11 Mission

Dear friends!

Sky Safari 6 pro is a really great program! Thank you!!!

Yesterday I downloaded the add-on for the Apollo missions. Works fine - the texts under "in-app-purchase" are in english and they are also fine for Apollo 11.

When I looked up the Apollo 11 Mission with the search function a German text is displayed. The German translation was obviously done by a (lousy) translation tool. It's really bad... "trans Mondspritze" for the injection from earth orbit to the moon ("trans lunar injection") is just one "highlight". Mentioning the USS Enterprise in the chapter "the Eagle has landed" another one ;-)


  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Ouch - if you paste the corrected German text here (or specify the corrections) we'll include it in the next version ;) We did pay for this translation work but unfortunately we couldn't check the double check the German translation as none of us are native speakers.

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    Bernd Vsda

    Hi Pedro,

    Sorry for answering so late. Do you still need a German translation? If yes I can provide it, of course.

    Kind Regards


  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Hi Bernd, we always welcome improve translations from our native language speakers.   Thank you!

  • 0
    Bernd Vsda

    Hi Pedro,

    Here are the changes I suggest:

    Instead of

    Trans-Mondeinspritzung (Trans-lunar injection)


    Einschuss in die Bahn zum Mond

    And remove the first word ('Nach') of this chapter.

    In chapter "Blick zurück auf den Mond" please use this text:

    Kurz nach Verlassen des Mondes schaute die Besatzung zurück und sah fast einen Vollmond. Bekannte Merkmale wie das Meer der Gefahren sind auf der mittleren bis linken Seite des Mondes zu erkennen. Auf der rechten Seite befindet sich die ungewohnte erdabgewandte Seite, die frei von „Meeren“ ist.

    And please change the text of the picture 'Eagle approaches Columbia':

    Der Adler nähert sich Kolumbien: Erdaufgang (NASA) => Der Adler nähert sich Columbia: Erdaufgang (NASA)

    Kind Regards

  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Vielen Dank

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