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[SynScan WiFi Beta Testing] SkySafari 6 + SynScan native support-I connect the telescope but with my IP Router address

ok. I couldn t connect the telescope.

I follow all the procedure (IP, port select the telescope) but when I want to connect the telescope it says Connection Failure... see the screenshot Sky Safari 6 Plus version 6.6.5

IOS Version 13.3.1

Telescope:AZ-GTi WiFi


Now I change the IP by my Router Ip and I could connect it


More later


  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Please provide more details about this "...change the IP by my Router Ip and I could connect it"


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    Luis Trumper


    I used my Router Ip (in yellow to connect)  Using the Ip Direction (in red) doesn t connect

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    Keiron hi


    The same for me, resolved by changing the IP address in settings from to

    Now with the settings below I can connect and operate the mount.


    2) Router Address

    So I am not using the IP Address, but the Router Address.


    3) SyncScan Pro

    This morning I retried and I have only just noticed, I have no need to connect with SyncScan Pro. I can go directly to using Sky Safari and connect.




    Update: Will try to test outside tonight, depending on the weather.

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    Luis Trumper

    Keiron, to do the initial alignment I must use the native app or I can do it with SkySafari because I have the alignment target is too far from the telescope.... typical message




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    Luis Trumper

    Hi Keiron


    This night I tried Safari with my mount 

    1) yes you can use it without SynScan native app but...

    2) It seems that for initial alignment you still needs the native app. ( I don t have a hand control) I didn’t find any routine in Safari to align using two, three stars etc

    3) What I found to roughly align with Safari only ,is pointing the scope to the north and the horizon, turn on the mount and go to an alignment star. In this case Sky Safari accepted my alignment star , Sirius in my case. 

    Anyway a great progress. Safari never crashed or cut off, works like a charm and see the chart when you jump from one object to the other is so nice..


    My first impressions..



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    Luis Trumper

    Hi Keiron:


    Ok second night and all seems good excepting aligning. May be I am doing something wrong.

    Please when you can send me instructions or some insight about aligning. I still have the error: the alignment target is too far from the telescope.... 





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    Thur 16th April 2020

    I also had the same issues as Luis.

    I will start a new post as this one initially was related to the IP address.

    New link/report already started by Tamas

    Possible BUG or feature is not developed yet: AZGTi mount position


    I have added some comments to that one.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    New beta is available, SynScan_Link option is available again, an we have the SkyWatcher mount in-hand!  

    So, please get the latest build and keep testing.

    Thanks for your patience!

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    Keiron hi


    Thank you for putting this Live, may I ask have you (or someone in your team) had chance to test the mount yourselves yet ?


    Hi to everyone else

    Not sure how many of you have had chance to try the latest version of the beta software ?

    But I still seem to be having similar issues as to what I experienced before, the reticle seems to be locked around or near to Polaris, I try the GoTo function and the mount just continuously(Altitude part) rotates.

    Steps(off memory):

    1) I un-installed version

    2) Installed rebooted phone)

    3) Set my mount up outside(EQ-Mode) pointing at Polaris(powered off)

    4) Used SharpCap to Polar align(then returned it back in the upright position).

    5) Powered on AZ-GTI and connected my IPhone.

    6) Opened SkySafari plus, checked the settings.

    7) The reticle(within the App) seems to be locked around or near to Polaris, I try the GoTo function and part of the mount just continuously rotates.


    Conclusion so far for me:

    The Azimuth seems to function correctly.

    The Altitude just seems to keep on rotating

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