I use SkySafari Pro 6 on an Android Device and LiveSky.com on PC for managing my observation logs. Regulary I give more than one telescope and 3-4 eyepieces for an observation. I can save this observation in SkySafari and it seems ok for a while. But but after a while, some of the recorded equipment data disappears: only the last recorded telescope and eyepiece remain on the equipment list on Livesky.com. And a little later the observation log is refreshing on the android SkySafari, and the equipment list is reducing there too.
Keiron Smith Official comment DevOps reference: https://starrynight.unfuddle.com/a#/projects/7965/tickets/by_number/651
Keiron Smith - In Help > scroll to the bottom > what version of SS6 Pro?
- What Android OS?
- Are you only using SkySafari 6 Pro on Android or OS or are you syncing with SS6 Pro on another device too?
- Are you using and syncing to Starry Night at all?
tfuzessy I use SS6 Pro on three Android devices (Huawei P20, Samsung Galaxy A70 and Blue Stacks Android emulation on a Windows 10 PC). The software versions:
Huawei P20: Android 10, SS6Pro
Samsung Galaxy A70: Android 10, SS6Pro
Blue Stacks emulation: Android 7.1.2, SS6Pro
I'm syncing SS6 Pro among all of these devices, and I use LiveSky.com for managing observation lists and export observations.
I am not using Starry Night at all.
tfuzessy How can I sign in to the starrynight.unfuddle.com site?
tfuzessy Is there any solution to this problem? Or is it a known limitation, that you can use only one telescope and one eyepiece for a specific observation?
tfuzessy Hello,
Any information about this problem?
Ros Hartigan We are currently looking into it.
tfuzessy Any news about this problem?
Ros Hartigan Yes. We have a fix and will be creating new builds in the next few days. Thanks for your patience and bringing this to our attention!
Chris Hi Ros
Will this also be fixed in the upcoming release?