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[Feature Request] Ocular view feature?

I have SN8 Pro and another star view program.   The other, freeware, has a feature that allows you to see what a stellar object would look like through various telescope/eyepiece combinations.   Does SN8 have a feature like that?  If not, is one anticipated?   I find it useful for locating targets (knowing what to expect to see) and for compare before you buy decisions ("What can I expect in a 10inch aperture compared to my 8 inch?" kind of thing.




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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Stargazer, 

    You can add specific telescopes (from a preset list with hundreds) and eyepieces (from a preset list with hundreds) to your equipment list - and also create FOVs - that will allow you to configure what can be expected to see when using specific equipment options together on a specific deepsky object.


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    Thanks for the response.  Can you point me to where in the manual it walks you through that?   I figured out how to load equipment and eyepiece (and save to default!).  But best I have been able to do is get the red indicator lines showing field of view around a target (and however I did that was luck since I havent been able to duplicate the affect.   When I did make it happen, It did not zoom in to show what the scope would see.  I downloaded the manual and am wading through it but so far no luck.

    In short, once I have loaded my equipment, how do I get the screen view to reflect that equipment looking at a target?



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    Keiron Smith

    Please provide your preferred equipment for the example.  

    1. Telescope?
    2. Eyepiece?
    3. FOV?

    Just one of each.


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    I am trying to load an Orion  AstroView 120ST Equatorial Refractor Telescope.
    120mm (4.7") aperture and 600mm focal length refractor

    25mm sirius Plossl

    FOV 52 (not sure on this one)


    I can pull these items from the preset lists, but I have yet to get them to "save" (they are only resident while the program is open.   If I shut down, I have to reload them from preset.)    I have been net surfing looking for guides to Starry Night but no luck so far.

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    moody hameed

    52 is only the apparent field of view, you need the actual field of view

    25mm sirius plossl specs (I have the 32mm version)


    You can calculate TFOV (true field of view) like this:

    the slightly less accurate but easier to calculate AFOV method:

    AFOV/magnification=52/24=2.167 degrees.  This is your real field of view, 2.167 degrees and a little more than the width of 4 full moons.

    Thats the easy method to calculate but not as accurate as the method below

    To use the most accurate method we need to know the field stop diameter of your scope, which is listed in the specs as 24.1mm

    the more accurate field stop diameter method:

    24.1/600*57.2958=2.30 degrees, this is the most accurate TFOV number we can calculate, a bit more than the number above and closer to the width of 5 full moons.

    so your TFOV is 2.30 degrees and to properly simulate the eyepiece you need to set that as your field of view.

    This also means your AFOV is actually better than specs and more like 55.233 degrees rather than 52 degrees.

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