Hi. I have beta test version 8 pro for awhile now. I also have used another program called Stellarium. Here is a list of features that would be nice either as add ons to this version or for later versions:
More natural colors for lunar eclipses.
Stars blinking out or blinking on when moon's edge passes center of star during lunar occultations.
Penumbra and umbra magnitudes display options on HUD display.
Solar eclipse shadow maps displayed on earth with contact times and magnitudes for selected locations.
Lunar eclipse contact times for selected locations with magnitudes.
Mutual phenonomium of both Jupiter and Saturn's moons
Simulations of all major and minor meteor showers.
Being able to see the umbra shadow on the moon while still seeing the shadow overlays like on previous versions like 6 and before.
These are some ideas that would make this software truly more amazing than it is right now.
Gerry Kisiel
beta tester.