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How To Align Celestron StarSense Using SkySafari 6 Pro? (Answer: Read On!)

I have not been able to find any answers to my questions in your database and clearly things have evolved with this topic in the last year.  I have just purchased the starsense kit and it is clear on how to align its camera with the telescope center of view and then full alignment.  Do I need to do that first before using Sky Safari 6 pro or will your software do all the alignment for me?  I don't want your software invalidating any alignment that I would do with the HC.  Thanks


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    Garry Bluhm

    Hi Donald,

    SkySafari6 Pro will do StarSense Auto-alignment for you & calibration too when using the SkyPortal WiFi.  I would recommend not using the StarSense Hand Control at all. The Hand Control does not need to be connected to mount. Here’s a note from SS6Pro’s Help Menu  when using SkyPortal WiFi :“When using the Celestron Wi-Fi scope type, it is important that you do not align using the hand controller before you connect. Doing so will cause   the hand controller and SkySafari to fight over who's in control and cause incorrect behavior.”

    Regarding the WiFi disconnect could the above note been the cause? The SkyPortal WiFi gen3 is it set in Direct mode?



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    Keiron Smith

    Thank you, Garry!

    Just to clarify, as there are two possibilities...

    If you are using Celestron WiFi then the StarSense alignment process must be initiated and completed using Celestron's SkyPortal app OR SkySafari 6 Plus/Pro.

    If you are using SkyFi 3 then the StarSense alignment process must be initiated and completed using Celestron's StarSense hand controller.  Then you can connect with SkySafari 6 Plus/Pro.


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