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[Needs Path To Reproduction] Date And Time Not Visible In SkySafari 6 Pro 6.7.1 On MacOS 10.14.3 & 10.15.6 (Is Anyone Else Experiencing This Issue?)


On multiple macs after a recent update, I no longer can see the date and time in the upper left corner while time is checked to make the time adjustments visible.  Is there a setting somewhere to get the time to display?  When I FF into the future I am blind to see what time I am at until I close the time panel (second pic).




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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Tom, 

    1. What app and version are you using?
    2. What OS and version?


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    Tom Papazian


    SS6 Pro 6.7.1 (6701) on 10.14.3 I don't see the time and date

    SS6 Pro 6.5.0 (6502) on 10.15.7 is ok, on the same mac, upgraded to 6.7.1 still on 10.15.7, is still ok.

    SS6 Pro 6.7.1 (6701) on 10.15.6, I don't see the time and date.

    These are 3 different macs.

    Thanks for your help!!


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    Keiron Smith

    I suggest deleting and reinstall the apps that don't work.

    Also, upgrading the macOS 10.15.6 to 10.15.7.

    Thanks for the info!

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    Tom Papazian

    Thanks.  Removing and re-installing did not resolve the issue.  Upgrading is a challenge on both of these macs.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I guess I'll have to find another planetarium software that works on multiple versions of mac osx.  I'm bummed, I love this app and have used faithfully for years now.


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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Tom, 

    Following up...

    Are you now running SS6Pro version 6.7.2?

    Thanks for your patience.

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    Tom Papazian


    Thanks for following up.  Yes I am. The problem still exists with both my machines.  I don't think this has anything to do with this but I will share that both of these macs are hackintoshes.  Both are Gigabyte motherboards, one is an i7 w/ 32GB and the other is an i9 9900K w/ 64GB.  They are configured as mac pros. That is the reason I do not like upgrading the OS, it is the major weakness of hackintoshes.  I had jumped from 10.14.3 to 10.15.6 on the i9 a short time ago and this problem did not exist.  SkySafari was happy as always, I have used it for years on these machines with various os's and hardware refreshes.  I believe something changed somewhere in September that made this problem occur on both my machines at the same time.  I would guess 6.7.0 or the previous version maybe? This is why I don't think this has anything to do with the fact that these are not Apple macs.  The 2nd mac I referenced above is a real apple macbook pro laptop, and interestingly enough, I have never seen this behavior on that.  I would be happy if I could figure out a workaround, maybe get time to display somewhere else in the UI that is visible with FFing. I pretty much tried everything I can think of though.

    Thanks for anything you can do here, I really do appreciate it, I really like this product a lot. 

    I have gone back to SkySafari 5 Pro for now  which still works fine.



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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks for this additional info, Tom!  I don't know what the issue is.  Perhaps it is specific to these as "hackintosh" computers.  Developers will have to review our discussion when time permits.

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    Tom Papazian

    I will share that in years of building and using hackintoshes, I have seen some weird things from time to time.  Never quite like this, more like windows don't disappear when closed, like zombie UI things.  Never something selectively missing from a UI in this case.  Almost all the software is from Apple, there are a couple of Linux drivers like for sound and ethernet, sometimes usb that are ported to mac to get full functionality.  It is for these reasons that they work like Apple macs in that things just seem to work typically without issues.  Thank you again for your help!


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