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Random Connection Failure

I just tried my new Celestron Advanced VX mount. Randomly during the night I would get this message in SkySafari: "Connection Failure. The telescope is not responding. You have been disconnected. Do you want to re-connect?" Could you weigh in on whether you think it's: 1.) A SkySafari issue, 2.) a defective mount, or 3.) a defective WiFi module? 


Also, unrelated to the above. At one point my SkySafari night sky view kept spinning. I couldn't stop it. I had to turn the iPad off and back on. I later deleted and re-installed SkySafari. It seems okay now. Any thoughts.


Thank you,



  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    1. What app and version?
    2. What OS, and version?
    3. What WiFi module brand?


  • 0
    Joseph Luciani

    Thanks for looking into this Keiron,


    1. Skysafari 6 Pro Ver

    2. iPad Pro Ver 13.6.1

    3. Celestron - SkyPortal WiFi Module


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Pleas confirm this issue is with iOS 13.6.1.

    This is a known issue with 14.0.1


  • 0
    Joseph Luciani

    Yes, I'm confirming that my IOS is 13.6.1

    Thank you

  • 0
    Joseph Luciani

    Do you think this sounds like a WiFi module issue rather than a SkySafari issue?


    Thank you

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    It is not uncommon for Celestron WiFi to be the origin of the issue.  There are many posts in our community forums about difficulties using Celestron WiFi both built-in and as the module.

  • 0
    Fernando Alarcón

    Yo uso Star Sense + Nexstar 8SE + WiFi SkyQLink 1ra generación + SkySafari Android y me desconecta repentinamente de forma aleatoria. Un dolor de cabeza.

    1. La alternativa lógica sería que SkyQLink Wifi fuera del problema ya que del CPWI conectado por cable funciona perfecto y sin problemas toda la noche.

    2. Pero también podría ser el SkySafari ya que del CPWI conectado por wifi al SkyQLink funciona bastante bien por 1 o 2 horas y luego empieza la desconexión.

    Además me respondieron de PlayStore donde compre SkySafari y me indican que trabajan en ello y que es un problema conocido. Pero no dan detalles.

    Sería bueno nos dijieran si efectivamente es un error de SkySafari y como estás avanzando en eso.


    I use Star Sense + Nexstar 8SE + WiFi SkyQLink 1st generation + SkySafari Android and it suddenly disconnects me randomly. A headache.

    1. The logical alternative would be that SkyQLink Wifi was out of the problem since the CPWI connected by cable works perfectly and without problems all night.

    2. But it could also be the SkySafari since the CPWI connected by wifi to the SkyQLink works quite well for 1 or 2 hours and then the disconnection begins.

    They also responded to me from the PlayStore where I bought SkySafari and they tell me that they work on it and that it is a known problem. But they do not give details.

    It would be good if you could tell us if it is indeed a SkySafari error and how you are progressing on tha


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