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Why Are M2 Coordinates Incorrect When Connecting SkySafari + CPWI? (Answer: Offset Created By CPWI, Need More Info)

Running SkySafari 6 pro v

 Running celestron CGX MOUNT via CPWI, SkySafari connected to mount via Wifiscope.

when I select M2 in SkySafari and Goto, it slews close to M2  but does not directly on it. Off by about 50’ W & Alt 

when I choose M2 from CPWI, the scope slews directly to M2, with SkySafari crosshairs also showing directly on M2.

No problem in SkySafari selecting/ slewing to othe objects close by.

take care



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    Keiron Smith


    What happens if you remove CPWI from the connection, and just use SkySafari?


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    Hi keiron

     I will give that a try tonight and let you know.

    stay safe and have a merry Christmas.


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    Hi Keiron

     Well how interesting.

    With Skysafari connected to Celestron Skyportal module on CGX , the scope goes to the correct location for M2. Also a dozen other M objects.

    I double checked by connecting through CPWI. Skysafari still goes to wrong location for M2. But M2 is the only object I have had a problem with when connected through CPWI. I have used your Skyportal for years in this configuration and never saw this kind of offset.  Any Ideas why M2 would be off like this?

    I will probably continue to use through CPWI but will keep on eye out for "offsets"

    Take care


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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks for sleuthing out where the issue originates.  I can't say I know where the offset occurs.  If you use the SkySafari Align feature it stores an offset for Celestron scopes.  Maybe that is involved in some way?

    From here:

    Note: for Celestron NexStar, Orion/SkyWatcher SynScan, iOptron GOTONova, and ServoCAT telescope controllers, tapping the Align button stores the offset between the telescope's reported position and the selected object's position. It subtracts that offset from the telescope's reported position whenever the telescope is within 10 degrees of the object you Aligned on. In other words, SkySafari performs a "local sync" around the alignment target. If you move the telescope to a very different part of the sky, you may want to Align on a target in that part of the sky. Also note that the telescope's RA/Dec reported by SkySafari will differ from the RA/Dec reported by its hand controller (since SkySafari is applying the alignment offset to the telescope's reported position.)

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    Happy new years Keiron!


    No , I do not use the SkySafari Align feature so that should not be an issue.

    Very strange with this one object (that I know of) offset when interfaced through CPWI.

    I need to check and see if anything happens with M2 when I use Skysafari through ASIAIR pro connection.

    I should be able to check this tonight and let you know what happens.

    Take care


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    Hi Keiron

    More research performed on this Quirk-Issue

    Recap of issue:
    When I use my CGX mount with Skysafari pro connected to CPWi via WiFi Scope.
    If I select goto M2 in CPWI it goes to correct location in star map
    Skysafari shows that it goes to correct location on star map
    In Skysafari App
    If I touch and goto M2 it moves to a offset point from M2.
    It shows the offset in the Skysafari map and the CPWI map.
    If I then select GOTO M2 in the CPWI map, it then goes to correct location in CPWI and Skysafari maps
    IMPORTANT Clue to Problem??
    In skysafari, when it completes a normal , accurate GOTO location , the GOTO button changes to STOP during the move and changes back to GOTO upon completion.
     When it goes to a OFFSET location , the GOTO button changes to STOP and never changes back to GOTO. I have to manually select STOP.
    It will then show GOTO.
    I have tested  Goto other points in Skysafari app in the area of M2
    Here are my results
    Hr 8203 OK
    HD 206058 OK
    HR 8263 offset
    HD 205226 offset
    TYC 0542-0357-1 OK
    HD 204950 offsets
    SAO 145509 OK
    HD 205412 offset
    TYC 5208-0298-1 OK
    TYC 5208-0659-1 offset
    Sadalmelik offset
    When I test GOTO location in Skysafari
    M2 J2000 actual location
    RA 21 33 30.1
    Dec  -00 48 59.9
    Skysafari moves to 
    RA  21 34 31.00
    DEC  00 43 51.0
    In Skysafari , using GOTO RA/Dec, if I type in
    RA 21h 33m 30.1s
    Dec  -00 48' 59.9"
    Skysafari goes to offset location:
    RA  21 34 31.00
    DEC  00 43 51.0

    So you should be able to test the GOTO  RA/Dec function on other mounts to see if it completes the move or if it hangs up on STOP and  never completes the move (stays on STOP).

    Hope this helps.

    Any questions , feel free to email.

    Take care


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