Please remove Russian «traslation» of object descriptions. It is terrible and absolutely useless google-translated trash.
Dave Whipps Official comment Stanley,
This is actually a bug/setting in iOS Safari. The iOS web view we use to display these (English-only) html pages is auto-translating them, as described here:
We're examining whether there is a way for us to disable this programmatically, but it does not appear that we can (yet.)
If you would like to disable this, the article above describes how. The iOS Settings > Safari > Preferred Language can be set to English.
Hope that helps,
Keiron Smith Stanley,
Can you please provide some examples of translations that fail to meet your expectations.
- What does it say in English?
- What does it say in our Russian translation?
- What do you suggest would be the correct translation in Russian?
Stanley Two screenshots, smaller from version without translation, second - from v.
99% of description lost, no photos, "Russian" text grammatically incorrect at all.