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[UX Issue]* UI Elements Still White In Night Vision Mode

I'm using the Skysafari Pro on MacAir machine with Big Sur as browser.   The mouse pointer ruins my night vision,  with the white trim.   Apple says there is no way to change it.   Didn't PC's come with tons of mouse pointer options like 20 plus years ago. What's up with Apple?  

Even the third party apps refuse to work. Tried about four of them.  Even with night mode in SSPro, pointer trim brightest thing on screen. 

Using "accessibility "- "display" the color filters and all the advanced settings , adjust contrast ect-  contradicts the point of the screen being able to adjust to those colors because of the bright trim on pointer !

This is a non OLED mac air.   Once again the deep red plastic sheet is only thing that will dim pointer acceptably.   i use deep red cling with my other non- OLED devices in the field -  only need to change the pointer in this MacAir ,  any luck with these pointers or other options for SSpro on OS-X? 



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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith


    Please attach a screenshoot.  And, include your OS version and Macbook model number.


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    Hi Kerion .  I am using a MacBook Air with Big Sur 11.4 . I've already spoke with senior support at length regarding this.  They agree with the lack of trim option for pointer - that it is a contradiction to having "color filters" .

    They were trying to make the MacBook behave like the iPhone with "color filters" which I use all the time to run "voice recorder" other apps ect.  I also discovered the color filers - red must be disabled in iPhone to see the alt/az and screen inversion options at the top of screen in SSpro , and a few other things in SS.  

    Back to the MacBook Air with SSpro ,Attached is a screen shot.  I used night settings in SSpro , in addition to there night mode I am running color filers - Red .  The + - and compass direction and field size are actually displayed red with "color filers on- red" in OS-X . However that does not display in the screen shot.

    I've posted in Mac Community Forums on this issue ( pointer options) with the OS-x Big Sur . I'm understanding this is not any fault of Sky Safari / Simulation Curriculum.   Until I get to the bottom of this , there is my ruby red plastic sheet.  Astro gizmos red cling not dark enough to attenuate the mouse trim in SSpro - for now back to using the red plastic over my screen.   I might add the MacAir with SSpro is used at the desk exclusively for planning, not at the scope.      Thank you.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Sorry, but I do not understand the problem as you have described.  Is there a specific problem with SkySafari 6 on MacOS?


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    Hi Keiron.  Excuse the delayed response .No there is no functional issue with SSpro on my OS-X device.

    I may not have communicated well , for you to understand.

    Like said my OS-X runs SSpro perfect .I thought there might a setting in SSpro to redden the + and -  and ALT AZ at top of screen and the field width. There are white on "night mode"   The white effects my night vision as does the white pointer trim- 

    The pointer trim entirely an APPle OS issue. 

    I posted mac forums for a fix , made feature requests and talked to developers at apple about this lack of pointer/trim options.

    The issue doesn't exist in andriod tablet or my IOS , no pointer...   I cannot attach a screenshot right now. 

    Anyone know about a third party app that will allow you to change the OS pointer in Big Sur?


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     I realized now I cannot attach pics to my post even after re-sizing. They are in the correct format.  I get the message of file size limit. Cant get past that point.

  • 1
    Keiron Smith


    Apologies, I see now the issue.

    Developers will review this.

    Thanks for your patience.

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    Keiron Smith

    What version of SkySafari are you running?

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    Keiron Smith

    And, what is your Macbook model number?

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    Hi Kerion .  I'm using SkySafari 5pro on a MacBook Pro(Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013).

    Thanks for your help !


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    Can I expect that we (I) am out of options , Kerion? 

    Continued contact with Apple , developers still apparently have not addressed the issue.  Surprised , not much mention of this other than my own posts.

     I ask the forum and the internet - please guide me to a third party software that allows the pointer in OS-X to be changed from other than black pointer white trim. Simplify , " just remove white trim".    An operating system pointer , not an add on.

    At this point I would strongly discourage any even remotely interested deep sky observer from adding SSpro to any APPLE laptop. At least not until this issue is resolved.  Buy it to load on android or IOS instead as they have no pointer to ruin your adaption. Steer away from SSpro on OSX unless you are armchair astronomer - or limit oneself to the brighter objects ( Moon, planets).    



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    Keiron Smith


    I can not reproduce this issue using SkySafari 6 Pro.

    You are using SkySafari 5 Pro, right?  Sorry, SS5 is not going to get fixed if the issue is app-related.

    Developers are currently working on SkySafari 7.

    I think it is fair to mention that point in your feedback.




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    Hi Keiron .  the appearance will only be shown running OS-X .  Yes running SkySafaripro 5 plus on one OS-X device and SkySafari 5pro on the other OS-X device.   Both display white pointer trim.

    I am sure there is going to be an OS-X operating system work around eventually .   Likely by accident than on purpose. "how about we offer a few pointer options for big sur" . I expect the guy complaining about the bright white trim will be long forgotten. I could be wrong. 

    Not expecting a future SkySafari version to be able to override this pointer trim I talk about. Has to happen from Apple .  Thanks for trying to help! 

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