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How To Add ZWO ASI Cameras To The Prepopulated List Of Equipment? (Answer: We Are Working On it - Read On!)

Out of interest why aren’t ZWO ASI cameras listed in the equipment list? I know I can set them up as custom but just wondered why they haven’t been added, particularly as they’re very popular.


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    Pedro Braganca

    Update: I actually set this up - i protected the current equipment - but you can add new items at the bottom following the same format:

    Hi, just time to be honest - it fell down the priority list to update the equipment list. If you'd like to help, I can send you a formatted spreadsheet where you can enter the camera details and then we can merge it into our equipment database.  Let me know. Thanks.



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    Hi Pedro,

    I've added a new section for CMOS and then some of the ASI osc colour cameras if that helps. Took the information of their website. Hope that helps, (and I've done it correctly) -:) 

  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Great! They all have to be under CCD (we read this file to compile cameras) but I just moved them over.  Thanks!

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