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[Avalon Instruments]* StarGo2 Pro/M-Uno Stops Tracking Using Raspberry Pi 4 Controller With Its Own INDI Server/Drivers When SS7 Is Moved To Background App Status

I am using SS7Pro from my iPad Pro (11”, 1st gen., iPadOS 15.x).

My telescope controller/mount is the new StarGo2 Pro/M-Uno from Avalon Instruments. This conrtoller is based on a Raspberry Pi 4 with its own INDI server/drivers. I use this INDI interface/driver in SS7. Works great for slewing except for this (big) issue:

Every time I close SS7 or even when I put it in the background, the mount stops tracking. Even when I stop the link to the mount, i.e. disconnect the mount, the behavior is the same. The mount *only* keeps tracking as long as the SS7 app is open and visible on the iPad.
I have to manually activate tracking in a 3rd party INDI software such as iINDi or KStar/EKOS.

This is very annoying and ruined some of my astrophotography sessions. Any way to fix this in the settings? Has anyone else experienced this?


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith


    I'm not sure what can be done at this time.  Developers will review your report and release any potential fix in a future update.

    Maybe another SS7 INDI user can offer assistance here.


  • 0
    Wilfried Noell

    Thank you for looking into this issue. Avalon confirmed the issue.

    I believe it is an SS7 issue when communicating to an external INDI server, What is triggering the enabling or disabling of the tracking property? SS should not change the state of this property on the mount/server.

    Please, let me know if I can run any more test as an SS7 beta tester or “normal” user.

  • 0
    Wilfried Noell

    I noticed you changed the title of the post. There is NO disconnection. The tracking is stopped by SkySafari7. There is no problem of disconnection. SkySafari seems to have issues with INDI servers. Please, change the title to correctly reflect the actual issue.

    The original title was:
    SS7 stops the tracking on my INDI-based mount.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    I see, and will change the title accordingly.

    If the mount stops tracking then it must be getting a command from somewhere.

    Developers will review.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  • 0
    Wilfried Noell

    Any update on this issue for INDI-server-based telescope control?  I still think the title is wrong and does not reflect the actual communication & telescope control issue to external INDI servers. I had to go back to SS 6. Too bad.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Developers are looking at your report.

    Thanks Wilfred.

  • 0
    Wilfried Noell

    Thank you!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Please apply for and test the beta:

    Beta Testing SkySafari 7 (iOS Only) - Read This To Participate!

    Next beta will have a fix.


  • 0
    Wilfried Noell

    Seems to be fixed with the latest beta :-) 7.0.3 (1044).

    No more issues with my Avalon M-Uno/StarGO2 Pro :-) Tracking is maintained when switching between apps (ASIAIR Pro/App and SS7)! Great! Thank you!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    An excellent result, Wilfried!

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