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[UX Issue] How To Show Zoom Buttons, Location And Object Info? (Answer: Read On!)

After upgrading, I noticed some things appear to be missing. 

Given that this is a revamped UI, perhaps I just don't know where to look. 

First, where have the + and - zoom in or out icons gone? 

I used to be able to use my iphone with one hand and zoom in or out with my thumb. 

Without those zooming is a two finger operation, and I usually lose my centred object when I tap elsewhere to zoom. 

Then I have to look it up again and re-centre it. A bit of a pain. 

Is this feature still available somewhere, I just need to find it and turn it on?

Second, I use multiple locations frequently. 

I have a scope at home in my backyard, and in a remote location. 

The UI used to indicate what location I was set to. 

Now it doesn't, and the only way to verify it is if I go to settings, location. 

Can I not display the location on the main display?





  • 0
    Malcolm Park

    and another thing. Since you moved the info button out into the field of view, now whenever I tap it half the time it thinks I'm selecting a new object and it deselects the object I wanted the info on!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    First, where have the + and - zoom in or out icons gone?

    This is available in the Appearance & Behavior options.

    Second, can I not display the location on the main display?

    This is available in the Appearance & Behavior options.

    Third, whenever I tap it half the time it thinks I'm selecting a new object and it deselects the object I wanted the info on!

    Tap the object on which you want to show the pop-up info option.



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