I use Sky Safari 7 Pro (7.02 - 1031) on my iPad Pro - connecting to INDI server running on a raspberry pi with AZGTI mount.
I can go to an object and the scope/mount moves as expected and starts to track at the appropriate rate and tracking can be seen to be active from an INDI control panel running on another device.
However, as soon as I press the Home button on my iPad and SkySafari goes to the background, the tracking is turned off (I have background refresh enabled for SkySafari). Returning to SkySafari I notice that the telescope is “reconnecting” but tracking does not resume until I go to the object again.
It appears that disconnecting from the telescope also stops tracking - either by putting the app into the background or pressing the disconnect button.
Ideally, the mount should continue tracking regardless of the connection to SkySafari or at least the connection should remain active whilst SkySafari is in the background.
I have tried both INDI and LX200 classic using Skysafari INDI driver and tracking stops whenever Skysafari break the connection with the mount.
I have tried Stellarium running on my Macbook - disconnecting from the mount or even closing Stellarium completely does not affect the mount status or tracking and tracking continues regardless.
Hope this is clear and you can help.
Clear skies