How can observing lists be combined? I recently subscribed to LiveSky Premium in the hope this feature would be there - can't find it. In fact, my observing lists will not even open for editing. Not much use to me...
Keiron Smith Kyle Hendicks is our LiveSky developer.
Kyle Hendicks There is no current way to combine observing lists in LiveSky.
You should be able to edit an observing list on most modern browsers.
What platform are you using?
What browser and version number?
Kyle Hendricks
Simulation Curriculum Development Team
Naz_David George-Kennedy Regarding the combination of observing lists, is there any way to combine exported observing lists and then import the combined list into SkySafari/LiveSky?
Regarding LiveSky, using latest versions of chrome browser and w10 I get blank when I try to view or edit a observing list.
Kyle Hendicks You could try to combine exported files then import them into SkySafari. Technically, it could work but it's not supported. Any single error will likely break the import.
Could you try restarting Chrome. I will test on Windows 10 but it works in the latest version Chrome on Mac and I haven't had any other Chrome users report issues.
Naz_David George-Kennedy I tried accessing LiveSky again and the problem seems to have gone away - works fine using Chrome on W10 and android tablet.