I have been using the SkyFi 3 wifi module successfully with SkySafari 6 Plus and my Celestron NexStar 8SE for well over a year now without issue. I recently purchased a Celestron CPC 925 scope, which according to your doc should be supported. However, no matter what scope series I select using SkySafari 6 Plus, I get the same message: Connection Failure - SkySafari Plus can make a wireless connection to the scope, but the scope is not responding. Make sure the scope is powered on and connected...etc, etc.
At first I thought it might be an issue with the scope firmware, but I just used Celestron's Firmware Manager tool to update the CPC handset to the most recent version. I see the CPC scope mount has a dedicated RS232 aux port labeled "PC"...is there a special RS232 cable connector for the SkyFi module that must be used instead of the mini-USB cable for the Celestron hand controller?
Please help as I rely on your WiFi module and SkySafari for observing...it's an excellent product and sky navigation/GoTo's have been virtually flawless with it. Thank you!
Roy Abitbol