I have been successfully using SkySafari Pro 7 (and earlier versions) for years from my iPad and iPhone using my SkyFi device. I just had to replace the hand control (HC) on my Celestron CPC1100 (Alt-Az) telescope. I can no longer connect to the scope with the new HC in place. I get a message that SS sees the SkyFi, but can't connect to the scope.
I've tried connecting with a USB cable directly from the SkyFi to the HC. I also tried using an RS232 from the SkyFi using adapters to plug into the USB port on the HC. Neither connection works. If I reinstall my old HC that only uses the RS232 method, SS connects to the scope with no problem. I've also tested SS on my Celestron AVX mount (with older HC using RS232 connection) and it still connects through my SkyFi with no problem. This seems to indicate the problem lies with using the USB method on newer Celestron mounts.
Are there some settings in the scope control presets I use that differ if I'm connecting to a HC using DSB-9 to RS-11 plugs as compared to HC with USB plugs? If so, what are the changes?