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Can I Transfer Starry Night 6 from Windows 7 to 11? (Answer: No. SN6 Is Not Compatible With Windows 11. Please Upgrade To SN8)

I have spent hours trying to learn if I can transfer Starry Night 6 from my Windows 7 to Windows 11 lappy.  I have the registration number that is in my name.  Thanks VERY much for any feedback you have.

Jim W

1 comment

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    SN6 is not compatible with Windows 11.

    If you want to continue using Starry Night please upgrade to SN8.

    You will get a significant discount.

    ​Please see here:

    1. Choose your V8 program.
    2. Choose your Upgrade Discount:
    3. Enter your previous registration:


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