I am a long time user of SkySafari 6 to control a Celestron NexStar Evolution 8 telescope and I have to tell you that I love that combination. I especially love the integration with LiveSky. But, SkySafari 6 will no longer connect to my telescope from either my Android phone or my Android tablet. I have used both successfully in the past. I have ensured that I have connected via the Celestron-7F wifi connection. But when I connect to the scope I get the following message: "SkySafari Pro can make a wireless connection to the scope, but the scope is not responding. Make sure the scope is powered on and connected correctly. Also make sure you selected the correct scope type."
I can connect without any problems using the latest version of SkyPortal. I note that the version of SkySarfari was updated in April of this year.
Will there be an updated build to fix this problem? Below are the versions of software that I am using.
SkySafari Pro Version
I have updated my firmware on my telescope to the latest available and the controller shows the following:
StarSence HC; Ver: 01.22.21333 Bld: Jan 20 2022 14:36:50
Star Sense Camera; Ver 01.02.13343
Motor Control; Mdl: Evolution Ver: 7.17 98
P: System; Ver: 01.01.21333
P: LISA; Ver: 01.01.14072
P: DBOBJ; Ver: 01.01.14294