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Can I Connect Using SkyWatcher SynScan WiFi Using MacOS? (Answer: No, The SynScan Pro App Is Not Supported On MacOS - Get SkyFi 3 Instead)

Dear all,

have bought for my MacBook Air the Sky Safari 6 Plus application due it is more comfortable to me as using my iPad. My telescope is a SkyWatcher Virtuoso 90/1250 MC with the Synscan Wifi dongle.
On my iPad Air this configuration is working flawlessly but not on my Macbook (SynScan Pro app and SkySafari 7 Plus)
Please share your ideas how can I use the Sky Safari 6 Plus MacOS version on my MacBook with the Synscan dongle. (Shure, I've tried all forum and internet advices --- it isn't working for me).
I will appreciate your answer.

R.Gubik (Mr)


  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    How are you making a connection via SynScan Pro app on MacOS?  Does SynScan Pro app support MacOS?


  • 0
    Rezső Gubik


    no, without Synscan Pro app connection. Unfortunatelly th iPad/iPhone version on MacOS is crashing while connection trial…

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Unfortunately, SynScan WiFi is not going to work on MacOS unless they update the SynScan Pro app to work on MacOS too.

    If you want to use SS6 Plus on MacOS and control your SkyWatcher then telescope then I recommend you get our SkyFi 3 and a SkyWatcher-serial cable if you're hand controller uses an RS232 port.

    SkyFi III Wireless Scope Control$249.95

    Telescope Serial Cablefrom $39.95


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