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[Bug]* Notifications Still Fire Even When Disabled


I've just updated to SkySafari 7 Pro (version It appears to "ignore" some of the settings. I'm using a Samsung S22 Ultra with Android 12, One UI 4.1.

  • The chart displays both hemispheres of the sky, in spite of having the setting to display the horizon and sky as a translucent area. It's also black when I have show horizon glow and show daylight enabled.
  • I'm still getting notifications even though I've set all notifications to off in the app. Have managed to stop them for now by disabling them in the android system settings, but I would like to have more selective control over notifications.


I've attached screen shots of the sky chart and settings.




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    Keiron Smith Official comment
  • 1
    Anthony Lutton

    I'm having the same issues.  I get planet rising, transit notifications even after turning it all on and off a few times.  Same phone as well (Galaxy S22 Ultra, fully updated).

  • 0
    Dave Lythgoe

    It's actually worse that I thought. I've disabled Skysafari notifications in Android's setting, but all my system notifications  now come with the grating Skysafari notification sound!

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    Anthony Lutton

    I was able to disable all notifications through android for SS7 Pro and then fix my other notifications back to what I had previously and now its OK.   Hopefully it'll just require an update and it'll be all patched up. 

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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi, we should have a fix for the notifications in the 7.0.1 update - which we will try to release tomorrow (Friday).

    Dave, on the translucent horizon - I'm unable to replicate.  Can you reset your sky chart settings and then see if that helps?  Menu-Settings and then scroll down and tap "Revert Chart to Factory Defaults".  Let us know how it goes. Thank you.

  • 0
    Dave Lythgoe

    Hi Pedro,

    Thanks for the response. Just tried that and the horizon is back. If I then switch back and forth between settings->Coordinates->Equatorial and settings->Coordinates->Horizon, the horizon disappears and reappears. I've just looked and the same behaviour is present in version 6.

    After looking at the version 6 settings, I've now got the behaviour I was after with Grids & Reference->Show Grid (with Equatorial Coordinates).

    Managed to regain the system notification sound with a reboot, but would be good to have a fix for the notification settings in the app itself.



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    Ros Hartigan

    Hi Dave, the update is now available in Google Play, and addresses the issue with not being able to disable notifications.

  • 0
    Dave Lythgoe

    Hi Ros. Thanks. I installed it this morning. All seems fine so far!

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    Mike Atkins

    Um.... Um......


    It has reared it's little head again.


    On SkySafari Pro 7.0.3 2  Beta the notification issue has come back to haunt me. In the notification settings I only have Martian Moons selected.



    I am seeing this one come through. 


  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Looks like it was sent by SS7 Plus, not SS7 Pro.  If you have Plus installed, update to 7032 and update the notifications in that app as well.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    Yeah........... I noticed that. I started testing each app on different devices a couple weeks back. Wanted to make sure one wasn't affecting the other. After I saw it I was supposed to come back and comment again..... I got busy and forgot.

    Disregard or delete the posts....

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