When using settings-appearance and behavior-configure toolbar, turning an item on or off on the configuration screen has no effect. For example, I have tried to turn off "tonight" and turn on "settings" with no effect.
Pedro Braganca Hi John, I've been unable to reproduce so far. Can you try to go to Settings, scroll down to the bottom and select "Revert chart to factory defaults" - then try to configure the toolbar again. I wonder if something is off. Thank you.
John Fitzgerald Yes, I reset to factory settings. I still cannot configure the toolbar. Using Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e, Android 11.
John Fitzgerald Pedro,
Another user reported the same bug on Cloudynights.com today. He is unable to customize his toolbar.
Mike Atkins His screen looks different than mine, too.
Mike Atkins The user with the above screenshot is on IOS. I gave them a link to make a bug report.
John Fitzgerald Another user just reported on CN that they are unable to configure the toolbar. They are using two devices, Android 10 and 12. Does not work on either.
Pedro Braganca The common factor i can see is that this only occurs on tablets. We'll have the devs look into it. Thank you.
DevOps reference: https://starrynight.unfuddle.com/a#/projects/7965/tickets/by_number/2260
John Fitzgerald Pedro,
He states he is having the same issue with configuration of the toolbar on his Android 10 phone. The tablet and phone are both Samsung devices. Please see the CN thread.
Mrbill I’m on an iPad and cannot configure the toolbar. I can re-order items, but can’t turn them on or off.