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[Scope Control] SS7 Crashes 10 Seconds After Connecting Scope Using Meade LX 200 Protocol (Can Anyone Else Reproduce This Issue?)

Running SS7 Pro on Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e, Android 11.

When connecting telescope using Meade LX 200 protocol, via wifi Port 4060, IP, SS7 Pro stops about 10 seconds after connecting.  I restarted the tablet, and the app, and SS7 Pro repeatedly stopped after connecting.   SS6 Pro works fine with these parameters. 

The app crashes after about 10 seconds when I connect a scope under Meade LX 200 protocol. 

SS7 Pro  7.0.2

Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e.

Android 11.

Nexus DSC using port 4060 and ip 

Protocol  Meade LX 200.

I can connect using Basic Encoder System protocol with Nexus II, same IP and port, at least I could with the previous version of SS7 Pro. 

I will test again shortly. 


  • 0
    John Fitzgerald

    It seems to be working fine now, but it crashed repeatedly last evening.  Is there any way to tell when the latest update installed?  Maybe that fixed it.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    Look at your installed apps list in Play. It should tell you when apps were updated, just look at SS7.

  • 0
    John Fitzgerald

    It updated at 1:23 AM this morning.   After I quit for the night. So, hopefully,  the problem is fixed.

  • 0
    Ros Hartigan

    John, we believe we've fixed this in  Can you verify?

  • 0
    John Fitzgerald

    It's fixed.

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