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Who Come SkySafari Pro 5 + iOptron CEM25 + iOptron StarFi WIFi Will Not Connect? (Answer: Clean Oxidized Port Contacts In The 8408 Hand Controller Restored Connectivity)

I currently am running SS5 Pro (iOS 15.6) and when I connect to the telescope the program reports that it can connect to the StarFi network, but the scope is not responding.  

Error message:
“SkySafari 5 Pro can make a wireless connection to the scope, but the scope is not responding. Make sure it is connected and powered on. Also check that your scope type is correct.”

My setup is an Ioptron CEM25 Mount with an External StarFi (WIFI dongle). This setup worked on a previous version of iOS, but now it doesn’t.

I have confirmed that the WIFI is working correctly via logging in to it via

Thank you in advance for your response.

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    Ned Fennie

    After contacting Ioptron Tech Support they quickly helped me narrow down the problem to a bad RS232 port in the 8408 hand controller. I was able clean the oxidized port contacts in the hand controller and that restored the connection between Star WFI and the mount. SkySafari scope control is back fully functional.

    Thanks to Kevin, the excellent support tech at Ioptron.

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