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How To Find SkySafari 7 Hidden Folders After Upgrading To Android 13? (Answer: 3rd Party File Explorer Required - Read On!)

stupid **** android hid the files so you can't see the sky safari app to add custom back grounds to the horizon folder. Some smart people figured it out and now I can see the folder again. I had to get another file manager but it seems to work. I'm using miexplorer from the Google play store. It's a paid version but it does work. I was using cx files but it stopped showing me the files when I upgraded to Android 13.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Good to know, thanks for the info, Nick!

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    Figures, Google changing permissions again....

  • 0
    Bill VanOrden

    Play store comes up with MiXplorer when I search for miexplorer.

    Typo in your post?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Any file explorer will probably work - maybe a typo, maybe they changed the name.

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