I control my Celestron Edge 1100 HD with Skysafari 6 Pro running on my iPad (IOS 12). For precision I use a stylus, instead of my stubby fingertips.
I have however an issue with the Skysafari control interface for my Celestron autofocuser..
While I can set the focus, and laboriously adjust it, by entering numbers in the "Move To:" window, I am unable to use the "Fine Adjustment" facility because the "-1/-10" and "+1/+10" digits overlap. This problem occurs in both Landscape and Portrait views, please see attached pics. Normally I use Landscape exclusively.
If I try to use "Fine Adjustment" the results are quite unpredictable, so until now I have stayed with the numerical input in "Move To:". This is quite tedious though, I really would like to be able to use "Fine Adjustment". Do you have any suggestions please?
Incidentally I find the virtual focus knob on the left of the screen to be almost useless, when I try to adjust focus using it I find that the settings tend to "run away" up or down. Ironically, the physical focus knob was far easier to use, far more controllable in this respect. The only reason I am now using an autofocuser, is to eliminate virbration when setting up for imaging.