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SkySafari 6 Pro Celestron Focuser Interface Issues

I control my Celestron Edge 1100 HD with Skysafari 6 Pro running on my iPad (IOS 12). For precision I use a stylus, instead of my stubby fingertips. 
I have however an issue with the Skysafari control interface for my Celestron autofocuser..

While I can set the focus, and laboriously adjust it, by entering numbers in the "Move To:" window, I am unable to use the "Fine Adjustment" facility because the "-1/-10" and "+1/+10" digits overlap. This problem occurs in both Landscape and Portrait views, please see attached pics. Normally I use Landscape exclusively.

If I try to use "Fine Adjustment" the results are quite unpredictable, so until now I have stayed with the numerical input in "Move To:". This is quite tedious though, I really would like to be able to use "Fine Adjustment". Do you have any suggestions please?

Incidentally I find the virtual focus knob on the left of the screen to be almost useless, when I try to adjust focus using it I find that the settings tend to "run away" up or down. Ironically, the physical focus knob was far easier to use, far more controllable in this respect. The only reason I am now using an autofocuser, is to eliminate virbration when setting up for imaging.




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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith


    Please provide the following:

    1. App and version.  See Help > scroll to the bottom.
    2. OS version specific
    3. iPad device specific.

    I'm sure developers can fix the UI.


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    Mike Dora

    Thanks Keiron,

    As requested:

    1.  Skysafari 6 Pro v6.8.5.2

    2.  IOS 12.5.6

    3.  iPad Air model ME898LL/A (aka A1474?)

    Hope this helps.

    Incidentally this is a long-standing problem, at least for 2 years. I put up with it when controlling my old Celestron NextStar 6SE, but not happy to do so with my new Edge 1100.



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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks for the info, Mike.  

    I will ask developers to review this UI issue again for the next SS7 iOS app update.

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    Mike Dora

    Thanks Keiron,


    But. Does Skysafari 7 run on IOS 12? Asking because my iPad cannot upgrade beyond that OS.

    What I really need is a fix for Skysafari 6 please!


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    Keiron Smith

    SS7 requires iOS 14 and higher.

    SS6 is not going to get anymore updates.  Sorry.

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    Mike Dora

    A very disappointing response Keiron,

    All that is required is a quite minor formatting correction on one screen.

    I cannot install SS7 on my current iPad, and have no intention of buying a new iPad until this one wears out. 



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    Keiron Smith

    I understand.   Developers will have the final say.  Fingers crossed for you and SS6 users.

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    Why are you still selling this app if you are not going to support it?   I just paid $25 dollars for SS6 one hour ago for and by this email you know you were not supporting that app 6 months ago.  Trust me, I would have been happy to pay the $30 for SS7 if the sky portal app that your company powers would of took me to it. 

    Two Questions:

    • Did you fix this issue SS7 pro?
    • How do I get a refund / or an upgrade to SS7?  




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    Good question. The only reason I can think why they might still sell 6 would be for users who have an old device that isn't capable of handling 7 but still want access to a very, very good astronomy app. It shouldn't be the default anywhere though.

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    Yea it really does look like a great app.  Did you know it is listed for 19.95 @ the google store.  I am thinking marketing must think us apple user are high rollers or something like.     

    Do you know if they resolved this Celestron focuser problem in SS7?  I wasted half the day with this focuser installing it and so forth.  I know the focuser works because I can use it in other software.    I really want to leave the laptop at home if you can understand that.   

    Well hats off to your development team I think you have a keen solution here.  Does anyone know if the Celestron electronic focuser issue is solved in SS7.  If not, then I need to reevaluate for a solution.  

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