Error: The driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate driver from the computer’s manufacturer. Setup will exit.


    The following information has been copied directly from this Intel driver support webpage:

    You get one of the following messages:

    • The Intel® Driver Update Utility reports the following message:

      A customized computer manufacturer driver is installed on your computer. The Intel Driver Update Utility is not able to update the driver. Installing a generic Intel driver instead of the customized computer manufacturer driver may cause technical issues. Contact your computer manufacturer for the latest driver for your computer.

    • You are unable to install the Intel® graphics driver downloaded from the Intel website and encounter one of the following error messages:

      • Error: The driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate driver from the computer’s manufacturer. Setup will exit.

      • Error: This driver could not be installed on this computer. Please contact the computer's manufacturer for further information.

    To resolve this error, download and install the appropriate graphics driver from your computer manufacturer. Your computer manufacturer recommends the Intel graphics drivers they have customized and validated for your specific computer model. A list of links to computer manufacturer website is given as reference.

    Intel supplies generic versions of its graphics drivers for general purposes. But, the computer manufacturer can change the features, incorporate customizations, or make other changes to the graphics driver software or software packaging. To avoid any potential installation incompatibilities, Intel recommends that you first check with your computer manufacturer and use the driver software they give to you.

    If you choose not to use the validated graphics driver from your computer manufacturer, you can install an Intel generic graphics driver. But, if you encounter problems using the generic driver, Intel recommends reinstalling the validated driver from your computer manufacturer.

    To install the Intel generic driver, choose one of the Windows* Have Disk/Known File methods for updating a driver:
