Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express - graphics card


    *** Important: this solution is only valid if you have a working driver for your operating system.  

    *** Windows 10 is not supported on the Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express ***




    Starry Night College crashes when switching to daylight time ranges, or crashes when accessing certain student exercises.




    Upon start up of Starry Night, before you do anything else, do this:


    1. Go to File ----> Preferences ---> Shaders
    2. Uncheck the option for "use shaders where available"
    3. Quit Starry Night, and the restart.
    4. Try Starry Night again.


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      Unfortunately, this fix did not work for me.  
      Computer:  Acer laptop model Aspire 5732Z. 
      Operating System:  Windows 8.1. 
      Graphics chips:  Intel "Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset"  The error message "Starry Night Application has stopped working..." came up as soon as the program started;  I was unable to go to (to click on) the FILE menu because the only action the Win 8.1 error message permitted was closing the program. 
      I started Starry Night several times to try to carry-out the fix;  every attempt had the same unsuccessful result.

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      Keiron Smith

      On Windows 8:


      The Mobile Intel 4 Series Express graphics card is not supported under Windows 8.  Intel did not write a Windows 8 driver for this graphics card.  It will not work on Windows 8.


      On Windows 7, Vista, XP:  Intel provides working drivers.  Starry Night will work fine.

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      Geoffrey Ellard

      Hi Keiron

      I have been running SN PRO 6 on my Windows 7 Acer Aspire laptop which has an Intel "Mobile Intel Series Express Chipset" for a few months now, yes it does crash sometimes, unaware of the demands of OpenGL I upgraded to SN7 a few days ago, and obviously it doesn't work, I get as far as entering lat/lon then it closes.

      How do I transfer SN7 onto a new more powerful laptop that can operate OpenGL, as all new laptops in the UK only have Windows 8 installed, will that be a problem?



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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Geoffrey,

      Please see this KB article to run Starry Night 7 on the Intel Mobile 4 Express Chipset Series:

      Follow the instructions and let me know when you're up and running.


      Special note: this patch may be included with the 7.0.2 update due out today or tomorrow.

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      Thomas Thomson

      Hi, I have a Compaq Presario CQ61, running windows 10, with a Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express *** graphics card. From what I've been reading, I'm basically stuffed. :-) Correct, or is there a workaround?

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Thomas,

      Windows 10 is not officially supported on Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express graphics card. There are no drivers, no graphic driver specifically, without which SN7 can not run.

      Your options are:

      1. Install SN7 on a different computer with a supported OS.
      2. Revert to Windows 7 on the computer with the Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express graphics card. Windows 7 was the last official OS for that card.


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      sandra myers

      Just downloaded the Stary night for my Celestron telescope. Says my windows 10 doesn`t have the right driver for graphics...??? HELP!!!!!