Searching for NGC or Messier causes a crash (Windows 7)



    In Pro Plus - searching for NGC objects cause a crash

    In Pro - searching for Messier objects causes a crash




    Instead of using 'begins with" try using one of the 3 other choices:- "contains", "is exactly" or "ends with" <--- found above the Find search field.


    Please see the attached image.


    This is a known bug that will be corrected in a future update. 


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      Keiron Smith

      This may be an issue connected to WIndows updates.  Please go to Control Panel ---> WIndows Updates ---> install all essential/important updates.  If that works for you please let us know here.  Thanks. 

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      Arthur Missira

      SN6 crashes with alternative options as well - all win 7 updates installed

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Arthur,

      This issue is resolved in SN7. There will be no further updates for SN6. We are working on SN7 now.

      I encourage to upgrade to SN7.
