Basically, the operating system tries to re-open the last document that was open when the program was running (and set its size and position). For "Projector" this interferes with us setting the "fullscreen" option and seems to generally run amok.
In general, for Starry Night Small Dome, this option should be disabled. It's a bit tricky though, as in each version of OSX, it's defined differently (actually, exactly oppositely). The setting is accessible via the System Preferences > General tab, in both OS X 10.7 and 10.8.
In Lion (OS X, 10.7) we need to DISABLE this feature, that is: un-check the item labelled “Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps.”
In Mountain Lion (OS X, 10.8) they have changed the wording to the opposite, so we need to ENABLE the item labelled “Close windows when quitting an application.”
Alternatively, we can (maybe should) install this application with each new install of Starry Night Small Dome, and add both Starry Night Dome and Starry Night Dome Projector:
If you'd like more information, please feel free to submit a ticket.
Small Dome & OSX