Error message: Starry Night quit unexpectedly (OSX and Starry Night and English is not first language)


    In some instances, Starry Night will crash during start up if non-English languages, in particular Asian languages, are selected in the OSX preferences.  

    To resolve the crashing please try the following:

    System Preferences ---> Language & Text ---> Select the Language tab ---> Drag English to the top of the list.

    Starry Night has difficulty using the Asian word characters.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


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      Ted Hopkins

      My Starry Night Enthusiast 7 does this now and English has always been my default Systems Preferences language. This was not a problem when I first upgraded to 7 but has become a problem recently and I can no longer get into my Starry Night Enthusiast 7.

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Ted,

      I've created a ticket for you. We'll get you fixed up. Hang in there.

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      cristina del viejo

      Hi, I need urgent help, I have the Starry Night Celestron SE installed and I need to change the language to Spanish, read about the system preferences but I can't find it in which tab is it? Greetings and thank you

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Christina,

      Starry Night is English only at that this time.
