Since the 7.1.5 SF7 Pro fix of the non-responsive Scope Controls I am not able to get SF7 Pro to “talk” to Synscan to obtain alignment data. Not sure if my current issue is related?? I use iOS via an iPad 10th Gen running iOS 16.1.2.
The scope controls will connect and I can move the scope, however SF7 Pro seems to have it’s own agenda, and its GoTo does not correlate with the Synscan alignment. Prior to the problem with non-response of Scope controls, all I had to do was perform a 3 star alignment using Synscan through the Skywatcher WiFi adaptor, then do a Polar Algnment.
Once those two tasks were complete, I simply left Synscan running on the iPad, and booted up SF7 Pro. I merely had to hit the Scope / Connect buttons and the SF7 App would center its “bullseye” exactly on the object that the telescope was pointed at. SF7 Pro no longer does that. It points the telescope randomly to virtually empty space??
I must be doing something wrong ,or have incorrect settings I guess. Anybody had this problem or maybe have a solution??